Are you thinking about getting dental veneers completed on your teeth?
Are you wondering what the maintenance will be like once you have had your smile makeover?
It is amazing to feel confident and show off your smile on every occasion once you have bright, white, and smooth teeth.
It is also amazing to get compliments about your smile, let’s be honest.

There are two different types of veneers; porcelain and composite
Both types of veneers can generally last more than 10 years. Composite veneers can occasionally start getting staining after a couple of years, and may require polishing or repairing.
With adequate care – your veneers can last much longer!
Here are some points to discuss with your dentist to try and get the best out of your cosmetic makeover with dental veneers.
Come every six months for a hygiene appointment.
Regular hygiene appointments are paramount to maintain dental veneer cosmetics and health. If plaque is left to build up on your veneers, they may develop a stain or decay around the restoration.
At this appointment you can also get your dental veneers checked to make sure there are no issues with it.
Maintain a good home dental hygiene program.
Dental veneers will not stop you from getting decay or preventing build-up of plaque on your teeth. It is important to continue to brush twice a day and floss at least once daily.
It is also important to consider using a soft brush so that you do not cause gum recession which can lead to a line between your natural tooth and your dental veneer showing.
Avoid hard foods
If you like eating hard foods such as toffees or minties, a veneer will potentially get damaged and need to be replaced.
Try and be mindful that you don’t bite your fingernails or place too much pressure on your dental veneer to enjoy a long-lasting hassle free smile.
Get checked for bruxism.
Teeth grinding or bruxism is a sleep disorder that occurs when people are stressed or can be due to other medical related problems.
Clenching and grinding will lead to damage on your dental veneers. If you do feel like you are grinding on your veneers, or worse still, breaking veneers, it may be recommended to have a nightguard made to help protect teeth during sleep. Read more about Bruxism here.
Get checked for sleep apnoea
Sleep apnoea can cause you to grind against your front teeth at night and should be ruled out before you consider dental veneers.
If you do already have dental veneers and have sleep apnoea, it’s best to look at management program such as CPAP or and oral appliance in combination with your dental veneer treatment. Read more on Sleep apnoea here.
Try and limit foods that stain.
Some of the foods and drinks that we love the most such as coffee, tea, and wine can lead to unsightly stains forming on your pearly white teeth.
The best way to minimize this is by sipping through a straw or brushing your teeth straight after.
Dental erosion
Alcohol and acidic environments such as those caused by soft drinks can damage and soften the bonding cement or your tooth, thereby making it more prone to having a veneer break.
Try and limit mouthwashes containing alcohol, and anything that tastes acidic or citrusy
If you are after porcelain or composite veneers call us today for a compliment.
We will be able to assess the best treatment for you with our experience in helping thousands of people with their smile makeovers.