In the past decade implants have become a popular alternative to conventional dentures as replacements for single missing teeth. Due to new materials, good science based procedures and well researched knowledge about dental implants and the procedure, they have become a safe and reliable treatment solution. You can fix a single tooth or alternatively fix a number of missing teeth with multiple tooth implants
What is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant is a permanent solution if you are looking for a fixed prosthesis. It consists of the actual implant that gets drilled into the alveolar process of your jaw bone and an abutment that will be screwed onto the implant. The crown will be cemented onto the abutment or will be fixed with a screw onto the abutment.
Usually implants are made of an alloy made of high content of titanium. Other materials such as ceramics out of zirconia have been used in the past but there are no long-term study’s that sufficiently clarify their reliable use. Abutments on the other hand can be used on top of a regular titanium implant and they will provide incredible aesthetic results in the front area or with a high smile line. The advantage of ceramic abutments is that in case of gum retraction it will not show metal. Also, no metal is shining through the gingiva.
Although at first glance it looks like the solution for future implants, they come with one major disadvantage that is failure through breakage. Therefore, a metal alloy abutment is still gold standard.
The crown can then be seated on the abutment. This can be a regular crown made of metal alloys or ceramic. In Australia the abutment together with the crowns will mostly be attached with a screw on the abutment. That allows easy access in case the crown ever has to be taken of or the abutment becomes loose. The screw hole which is located on top of the tooth is covered with a white filling.
The process of getting a Dental Implant at Bayview Dental will take several months. The tooth socket has to heal after the extraction. Based on digital imaging our dentists will decide if you are able to have an implant or if you need further surgical treatment to increase bone height.
The operation for one implant takes only 15 min and can be done under sedation. Many patients will decide to take pain relief prior to the operation that will help you to relax. With Bayview Dental you also have the option to be put to sleep for the procedure.
Depending on your case the implant will integrate covered or with an open approach.
The dental implant will heal into the bone within 3 months. Then the implant can be uncovered and the gingiva can be formed.
The healing abutment will be placed onto the implant and when everything is healed nicely it’s time to put your new crown in.
Now you might wonder, what about the gap? There is a variety of options to provide you with an aesthetic solution in the meanwhile, for example a temporary bridge. We will happily discuss the options with you what will be best suitable.
The benefits of Dental Implants at Bayview Dental
The major advantage is the replacement of a tooth without having to destroy any tooth structure of adjacent teeth.
Why should you choose a Dental Implant over ANOTHER option?
Unlike any other option you can restore a tooth fully without having to destroy any more tooth structure of the remaining teeth. Be aware that if you choose to get a bridge or a denture the dentist needs to prepare tooth structure. They give great support and they are the only option that preserves the jaw bone. Because of their great support people can chew any foods without ever thinking about their replacement.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
For more about Bayview Dentals Dental Implant treatments, please visit our Dental Implants page or contact Bayview Dental for a consultation below.