Have you noticed your wisdom teeth coming into your mouth? Does your dentist suggest that you have your wisdom teeth removed? It’s never pleasant to go through surgery, but getting your wisdom teeth pulled out maybe the right choice.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why you may need to get your wisdom teeth removed in Perth.
Theres’s not enough space for your Wisdom Teeth
When there is not enough space in your jaw wisdom taking a trapped underneath the gum or breakthrough partially and come out. In a crooked manner
If left untreated you can end up having significant discomfort swelling, or an increase in cost as the surgery may become more complicated. Wisdom teeth can grow horizontally, backwards, upside down etc. We have probably seen it all.
If you are 16-25, time to see the dentist!
When you start noticing your wisdom teeth coming out (around the age of 16 to 25 for most people), it is a good time to get an x-ray with a dentist to see what your options are.
At times wisdom teeth can be completely hidden underneath the gum and this can lead to damage without you even knowing. Therefore, it is always a good idea to go and see a dentist before the age of 25 to get your wisdom teeth assessed.
Pericoronitis – a sign you need professional help!
When a wisdom tooth partially emerges in your mouth, it can get stuck there because of the angle it is erupting. This can lead to dental decay of the tooth in front, infection around your wisdom tooth, and even a limitation in how wide you can open your jaw. This condition is known as pericoronitis.
These teeth are usually very difficult to clean and end up with more problems than usual.
If you feel like your wisdom tooth has been stuck underneath the gum partially for a long time, it’s probably a good idea to have a chat with your dentist.
Get wisdom teeth out before the age of 25!
Wisdom teeth extraction becomes a lot more difficult after the age of 25. It is best managed when it first comes into your mouth.
Wisdom teeth caused by teeth to crowd!
Although not proven. There is a theory that wisdom teeth can crowd nearby teeth. Especially when they come in at an angle or horizontally, the damage can occasionally cause your front teeth to alter.
If you do not want to undo the good work of your braces or Invisalign, it’s best to have wisdom teeth removed if they are impacted.
Bad breath from my wisdom teeth!
If you are getting bad breath or halitosis, at times this can be because bacteria is getting to the back of your mouth and has been allowed to sit there for a long time.
Another reason which is a bit more rare, is wisdom tooth removal due to cyst formation. Cysts are a skin lined bag that contains infection, that grows underneath your jaw. You will need an x-ray to diagnose cysts in most cases unless it has gotten very bad.
Not every wisdom tooth needs removal – some good news!
It is also important to remember that not all wisdom teeth require extraction.
If your teeth have come through in a normal position, there is a chance you may be able to keep them. Even small procedures such as fillings can be completed on wisdom teeth if needed.
Final Word on Wisdom Teeth Removal in Perth
It is best to get your wisdom teeth assessed before the age of 25.
If you notice any of your wisdom teeth in your mouth, it is best to have a dental hygiene appointment.
It is important to visit a qualified and experienced dentist with experience. Come and visit us today at Bayview Dental for affordable and high-quality wisdom teeth care.
Here is some more information about sedation options during wisdom teeth.