Wisdom Teeth Removal
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What are wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last molars that usually come through during your late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth can cause various dental problems including the overcrowding of existing teeth and impaction. If your wisdom teeth are causing problems or likely to do so, it is recommended that you have them removed as soon as possible.
Our blog has some more information on the basics of Wisdom Tooth Removal at Bayview Dental and a detailed insight into removing Wisdom Teeth in Perth.
What are the symptoms of painful wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth can cause various uncomfortable symptoms when they begin to emerge, typically during the late teens or early twenties. These third molars often require removal when they cause pain or other complications. Here are the key symptoms to watch for:
Pain and Discomfort
- Intense pain at the back of your mouth
- Jaw stiffness or difficulty opening your mouth
- Persistent headaches or earaches
- Sensitivity when chewing or touching the area
Gum-Related Symptoms
- Red, swollen, or tender gums
- Bleeding or inflamed gum tissue
- Visible infection or pus around the gum area
- Bad breath or unpleasant taste in the mouth
Jaw and Facial Symptoms
- Swelling in the jaw or face
- Stiff jaw and difficulty opening the mouth
- Unexplained pressure in the back of the mouth
- Sinus problems or congestion
Other Warning Signs
- Teeth crowding or shifting
- Food frequently getting trapped behind back teeth
- Development of cysts around wisdom teeth
- Recurring infections in the gum tissue
If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen over time, it’s important to consult a dental professional like Bayview Dental. We can evaluate whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.
Remember that not everyone experiences all these symptoms, and some people may have impacted wisdom teeth without any noticeable signs. Regular dental check-ups can help monitor wisdom tooth development and prevent potential complications.

Why do you remove wisdom teeth?
Infection– when an impacted wisdom tooth starts pushing through the gums, an infection known as pericoronitis may occur. This will lead to infection or inflammation and you may feel pain, swelling and jaw stiffness.
Crowding– a wisdom tooth may push nearby teeth and cause the front teeth to become crowded.
Damage to nearby molars or impaction – an impacted wisdom tooth may push against the molars in front of it, which can have serious consequences like decay or even nerve death.
Cysts – impacted wisdom teeth may lead to the formation of a large sack of fluid known as a cyst.
Can I go to sleep for my wisdom teeth removal?
Wisdom teeth removal can be relatively simple. A lot of wisdom teeth can be removed while you are awake with local anaesthetic. Other forms of sedation are available to relieve anxiety about the procedure. At Bayview dental we offer oral sedation dentistry, intravenous (IV) sleep dentistry, and general anaesthetic services.
Oral sedation dentistry involves taking a few tablets one hour prior to your dental treatment. This allows you to be much more relaxed when you are completing the wisdom tooth extraction. Intravenous sleep dentistry is performed by our sedationist at the comfort of our own clinic – this allows you to fall asleep and not remember the procedure. General anaesthetic services are available in a hospital setting away from the clinic.
How will I feel after the wisdom tooth extraction?
After the operation you may have pain and swelling which could last up to a few days. You’ll be prescribed painkillers and antibiotics generally; however, the swelling will make it difficult for you to open your mouth wide and you will need to eat soft foods until you feel comfortable to do otherwise. There will be stitches that generally dissolve on their own and playing with them with your tongue will be probably the greatest annoyance. Read more on what to expect when you have your Wisdom Teeth removed.
What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal?
The cost of wisdom teeth removal depends on the difficulty of having them removed and starts from $200 per tooth. Our blog has more on how much it costs to remove wisdom teeth. Here at Bayview Dental, patients could have teeth extracted under oral sedation, IV sleep dentistry or general anaesthetic. The cost of sedation can be discussed at your consultation depending on your needs.
What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal?
Here's Dr. Akhil with some more info
Our Approach to Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Depending on your need for sedation and hospital visits, wisdom teeth removal can be facilitated on the same day for emergency removal with local anaesthesia and oral sedation. Other options may take longer to organise.
Sleep Dentistry
Book your consultation today.

Wisdom Teeth Removal/Extraction Perth
Want to get your wisdom teeth removed? We’re here to help in Perth, Claremont, Nedlands, Dalkeith, Crawley, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Swanbourne to remove it as soon as possible.
Are you looking for high-quality dental care? Bayview Dental provides wisdom teeth removal in Claremont including suburbs surrounding Nedlands, Dalkeith, Crawley, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Swanbourne. Smile now, pay later with Afterpay.