TMJ Dysfunction

At Bayview Dental, we are skilled at managing your TMJ pain management in Perth.

Some of our services include the treatment of:

- Headaches

- Bruxism (grinding or clenching teeth)

- TMD and TMJ pain 

Do you have any of the following?

You could have jaw joint symptoms and not even know that you have a jaw joint problem.

TMJ Dysfunction referring to your teeth and jaws may cause:

  • Clenching your teeth during the day
  • Toothache symptoms
  • Sensitivity to heat and biting
  • Sleep bruxism – grinding teeth at night
  • Crooked bite
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Painful cheek muscles
  • Limited opening of the mouth
  • Slop sided deviating jaw when opening
  • Popping or clicking jaw joints
  • Uncontrollable jaw movements

TMJ Dysfunction referring to your ears may cause:

  • Vertigo – lack of balance or dizziness
  • Tinnitus - Constant hissing or buzzing sounds in ear
  • Lack or reduced hearing
  • Clogged, itchy, or stuffed ears
  • Pain in ears 

TMJ Dysfunction referring to your head may cause:

  • Forehead pain
  • Migraine symptoms
  • Pain at the back of the head, near the occipital muscle
  • Cluster headaches
  • Scalp hypersensitive to touch

TMJ Dysfunction referring to your eyes may cause

  • Blurred vision
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Watering eyes
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Pain around the eyes
Taking Pills for tooth ache
Suffering from headaches?

Are you able to help me with my headaches?

Absolutely! We are highly experienced in managing headaches in Perth.

Headaches can be debilitating, sometimes bad enough for people not to enjoy or be able to complete normal duties.

An estimated 80% of all headaches occur from muscle tension, which primarily originates from bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching teeth), which in turn is usually caused by a sleeping disorder such as sleep apnoea.

As dentists, we are experts in assisting you with headache related symptoms. We carry out a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms and dental concerns. A sleep study can be performed if we suspect you have a sleep disorder.

What treatment can be performed for my headaches?

Depending on the cause, the management of headaches includes:

  • Treating the sleep disorder, if it is applicable
  • At times, dental work in correcting the bite may assist your headaches
  • Providing you a night guard, or occlusal splint
Xray on Ipad of Teeth
Ear related TMJ symptoms

Why do my ears hurt with jaw joint issues?

Most importantly during growth and development the structures of the ear, the TM Joint and the jaw muscles originate from similar cells.

If the jaw muscles get overused or stressed, they can become tight, and cause tightening of the surrounding muscles.

This can lead to tension in the inner ear and cause ringing in the ears and/or TMJ ear pain.

The human jaw joint has a lot of very sensitive tissue that hurts when it is compressed, especially during opening and closing.

The tension in the muscles and tissues is usually responsible for this compression.

Welcome at Bayview Dental is a TMJ Specialist

TMJ Dysfunction Treatment Specialist Perth

TMJ Specialist in Perth, Claremont, Nedlands, Dalkeith, Crawley, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Swanbourne to manage your TMJ pain.

We’re able to deliver a variety of leading TMJ dysfunction treatment specialist to the western suburbs of Perth. Our Dental practice is easily accessible for all suburbs surrounding Claremont including Nedlands, Dalkeith, Crawley, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Swanbourne.

We always welcome and treat new patients with comprehensive care within a comfortable environment.

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How quickly do the symptoms go away?

Ear related symptoms can disappear about 4-8 weeks after effective treatment.

Can there be other causes to my ear pain?

Of course, it is important to rule out infections, and other ear related pathology with your doctor first.

TMJ Dysfunction and Clenching FAQs

What is clenching and grinding, and why is it a problem?

The term clenching means bringing your upper and lower teeth together with force. Grinding is when you slide your teeth over each other.

This is considered negative for your jaws and teeth because clenching and grinding puts a lot of pressure on the muscles, tissues and other structures around your jaw, which can lead to:

  • joint disorders,
  • jaw pain and soreness,
  • headaches, earaches,
  • damaged teeth and other problems.

Bruxism can be caused generally by:

  • Obstructive sleep apnoea
  • Not managing anxieties in life
  • Chronic pain issues
  • Unknown reasons
  • Combination of the above

Yes. Headaches have been found in 65% of patients who clench and grind their teeth. Bruxism happens as a subconscious activity and therefore unawareness of the activity is common. A lot of people mention that their partner has noticed them grinding their teeth; they had no clue it was happening. 

At Bayview Dental, we are adept in managing bruxism in Perth.

A comprehensive exam starts the process, and usually after 30 minutes, we are able to diagnose your problems and start management on the day.

Generally, we will be looking for bony growths in your mouth especially in the sides of the lower jaw, what’s happening on the sides of your tongue, worn down teeth, and fractured or broken-down teeth.

We may recommend a sleep study to see if the bruxism is being cause by anything other cause.

We usually start the process with minimal intervention i.e. avoid surgery at all costs.

1. Wearing a night guard or splint

This treatment is for the jaw muscle pain and involves placing a plastic guard over the upper or lower teeth which allow the jaw muscles to relax.

The guard will reduce the damage from clenching or grinding of teeth.

2. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy may involve appointments with a physiotherapist, but is designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tissues around your jaw joint.

3. Medications

These include anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing medications.

4. Counselling

Occasionally, we may recommend seeing a psychologist to assist with managing jaw related problems, and managing life’s anxieties.

5. Surgical TMD Treatments

Surgery is recommended only if all other non-surgical treatments have been tried but the condition still persists.

Our approach to TMJ Dysfunction


Comprehensive evaluation

Our experts accurately diagnose a wide range of TM Joint problems and sleep disorders and customize the best treatment plan for you and your teeth.


impressions are taken with a highly sophisticated impression material that almost eliminates the need for redoing your impression.


We are able to assist you with a full range of physiotherapy stretches and exercises that maximise your results.


We offer a complimentary review appointment to see your progress.

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Contact Bayview Dental.

Your Centre for Cosmetic, Surgical, General, and Family Dentistry. Call our friendly team for a consultation today, or you can email us at

Bayview Dental is conveniently located on the corner of Stirling Highway and Bayview Terrace in Claremont. Parking is available at the rear of the practice, which you can access from Freshwater Parade or off Bayview Terrace.

Delivering highest-quality dental care in Perth, Claremont, Nedlands, Dalkeith, Crawley, Mosman Park, Cottesloe, Swanbourne to make every visit to the dentist a caring one.

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